Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kay from Space City Knitters: This Blog Entry is For You!

Good morning,

It's tired old Diana ready to head for church.  We had a fine trip home from Houston, stopping at K-Bob's Steakhouse in Brennan for a marvelous meal with my personal heroes, the Deikes, and then heading for home, where we met them and they helped us unload. What an amazing experience, doing this seminar in Houston!  I'll blog about it soon, I promise, once groceries are in the fridge and all that boring stuff is done.

Here's the scarf that Kay is hunting for -

This is the beautiful "wriggle lace" scarf I showed at seminar, which isn't in my books but is on the blog.  There is an "automatic" way to do it, but I can't put that up this morning.  Try the short-row method in the blog post for an interesting MK experience.

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