Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Seminar Prep - New Bonus Disk

I just created this DVD, which is two hours of demonstrations, as my bonus item to take to seminars.  We always like to give out a little something extra for our seminar customers, and I was feeling that my old demo disk was out of date.

I had a good time choosing items to put on this.  It certainly is nice that I have so many demonstrations ready to stick on YouTube in the coming months, in keeping with my resolution to load one a month.

What else is going on?  Well, the Knit Natters met Saturday, and Barbara did the most wonderful demonstration of lace using the U100E as well as drop lace.  I did a figure 8 cast-off demo.  We had a HUGE pile of hats for our current charity project, many of them Fun Fur (and similar yarns) fluffy things for chemo patients.  The show and tell was wonderful with all kinds of good stuff.

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