Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blast From the Past: Machine Knitting a Scrunchie

I'm just doing a little routine checking over and working on my YouTube channel, which I've been trying to make a little better, and I ran across this blast from the past:

This video is four years old, and today the Princess is a preteen.  She speaks like a young adult now, is getting quite tall, attends middle school, and guess what - she's still knitting!  I think it's so fantastic that her grandmother, her "Mimi," has kept on working with her patiently to help her with her knitting skills, but even more wonderful, the Princess continues to knit, enjoy it, attend knit club meetings, and even turn out amazing quantities of knitted items for charity.

Oh, yes, kids can knit! 

This was a very challenging video for me to make, absolutely one of the most difficult.  At the time, I only hoped I had done it adequately, since Princess and I had to do lots of "takes" to try to get everything filmed clearly.  I think we both got worn out!  Then I had to go home, edit, and hope that I could put together a coherent video. As I was engrossed in getting the video done, it was so easy to focus only on the technical side of things, but as I watch it now, I feel quite sentimental about her charm and enthusiasm.  She had just taught the project to our club, and you can see in the video how she understands exactly what steps to demonstrate for us so we can make the project. 


  1. I'm so glad you re-posted this! It was one of those videos I always planned to watch! I finally did, and yesterday, my almost 9 year old made one! She is SO thrilled with herself. She has helped knit before, and always enjoyed it. Now she wants to knit more today. She thought it was pretty neat that she knit 1000 rows!

  2. Here's the finished result! She really enjoyed making it!
