Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day - and Let's Think About Our Military Guys

Happy Father's Day!  My husband is a good Dad.  I did a little something for him for Father's Day, and Steven and I about to go to church with him and make a fuss over him.  This afternoon, there's a car show to go to (and wow, is it hot here!).

My dad put up with having his birthday and Father's Day all mooshed into one event forever after he had kids.  The two occasions were close on the calendar.  My pop served in the U.S. Air Force for 23 years, from the end of World War II through most of the Vietnam War, and flew all those years, often in hot spots.

So, on that note, what I'm thinking about today are all the guys and gals overseas right now.  Some of them have been repeatedly redeployed, and we wouldn't want any of them to feel unappreciated, or God forbid, forgotten.

Please send ideas for our military knit-along!  We need to help Barbara collect an enormous pile of knitted love and appreciation for the warriors.  There's a Lt. Col. at her church who said he could use up to 3,000 items for guys and gals overseas.  When we heard that at knit club yesterday, we were all overwhelmed.  I can just imagine Barbara's round eyes when he said it to her.

If we can't do that, we will do what we CAN do!

Let's make them nice stuff, useful items that make their service in Afghanistan just a little more comfortable.

I went out on the net and read about helmet liners - but you'll need to buy good quality, non-scratchy wool for those.  Synthetics will not do.

We could also knit warm scarves.  Barbara knits colorful DJ afghans for their bunks, and you can do that.  I'm not going to tell y'all what to knit, but I did want to put up video, or use existing video, showing how to do the project and send a .pdf pattern to anyone who requests one.

For the knit-along, I'm leaning toward putting up practical, warm slipper patterns for more than one machine.

I could really use your ideas, though, so lay 'em on me.

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