Sunday, June 5, 2011

Inspiration at Alex's Machine Knitting

Cute sweater - and lots of work and patience reforming stitches. I'd say it's worth it!

Alex's Machine Knitting

I have used basketweave stitch quite a bit with my garter carriages. I love the looks of it. I understand that it is possible to do this with a g-carriage on every other needle, but I've been able to work with sport weight yarns, and that's been thick enough to suit me. Just an idea.


  1. I JUST tried worsted at T 10 on my garter carriage, every needle, and got a great fabric at 6.5 st/inch i.e. 26 st/4 cm. I converted a hand knit pattern to the g-carriage. It's got seed stitch and a double decrease -- 2 st on 2 needles -- and the g-carriage never dropped a stitch, never complained, never hiccupped.

    Now I discovered the dial moves beyond T 10, so when I finish this sweater, I will have to try some swatches even looser.

    Thought you'd be interested...

  2. I agree, I've been able to manage it if the worsted is a little on the thin side.

    You can also remove every other needle from the machine, or use EON with manual turning of the carriage, or get a g-carriage minder from Custom Knits and Manufacturing.
