Saturday, May 8, 2010

And The Winner Is: Jan Clausen!

I got the Knit Natters ladies to pick a winner in my May Day contest, but they found it difficult because all the entries were so good.  They spent a long, long time looking at the beautiful projects, and it was difficult, but we finally had a consensus.  This beautiful baby set with the Irish Tuck Rib trims was the winner.  The group felt that the workmanship is really special.

Congrats, Jan, on your beautiful baby set!

They also had a bunch of ideas for next contests with themes.  Want to do this again?  I don't know about y'all, but I do.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely set! This would have been my choice for the winner too - but what a wonderful group of entries you had. Please tell us that the patterns will be available, for free or for sale.

    Thank you for all your invaluable videos, Diana; the Garter Bar DVD is so clear and so inspiring especially.

    PPeggy in NC
