Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Dental Adventures

I had a sick tooth while on vacation, and now I've had to have it extracted.  I was hoping and half expecting it to be fixable, but it needed to come out.  I missed a day of work and got it done Thursday.  Heck, the dentist I saw Wednesday would have gotten me into an oral surgeon that afternoon if an appointment had been available..

I had a bad moment.  I thought about getting up and leaving the oral surgeon's office!  First of all, I had been sent to the wrong address and had only gotten the right address by calling the answering service, since nobody was answering the office phone and nobody at the old address seemed to know where they had gone.  Secondly, after I was in the chair, the assistant told me I wasn't going to have the doctor I was expecting.  I didn't know either doctor, since it was a referral, but I did have a tired-of-surprises-let's-blow-this-place moment.  Then I thought, "You wuss.  People used to go to some guy with pliers at a barber shop. Here's a nice, gentle doctor with Novocaine, soft music, and pain pills for later."

The gentle, gray-haired doctor was very nice, explained everything, didn't hurt me, and got that mean old molar out in one piece, and fairly quickly.

I am on the mend.  I know, it's all mental, but there are days when you are mentally strong and days when you're just tired.  I went back to work Friday, and it seemed like everything I worked on was frustrating, but today I have Knit Natters, my lovely friends, and a very interesting demo to show off.   Oh, I'm rubbing my hands!  Wait 'till you see this photo...or maybe I'll make a video.  Here's a hint:  I got this idea from Trico a Maquina, the gorgeous knitting blog from Brazil that every machine knitter ought to follow.

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